ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Resource war

Resource war is like when two kids fight over a toy they both want to play with. But instead of toys, it's about important things like water, oil, or minerals. Sometimes, countries or groups of people want to control these resources because they need them to survive or make money. When this happens, they may fight with each other to get the resources they want.

For example, imagine there are two groups of people who live in a dry area. They both need water to drink and grow their crops. But there is only one river that runs through their land, so they both want to control it. They may have a resource war to see who gets to use the river and how much water they get.

Resource wars can also happen between countries, especially if they both depend on the resource or if one country has more of it than the other. This can lead to conflicts, like when some countries try to take over another country's oil fields.

Resource wars are not good because they can cause a lot of damage and harm many people. It is always better if people can work together to share resources fairly and find ways to use them without fighting.