ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Resource curse

Resource curse means when a country has a lot of valuable resources, like oil or gold or diamonds, but instead of being rich and happy, the country becomes poor and unhappy. This is because when a country has a lot of resources, it can become dependent on selling those resources and forget about developing other industries like farming, manufacturing, and technology.

When a country is dependent on just one thing, like selling oil, it is easy for other countries to control the price of that thing, making the oil-selling country poorer. Also, it can be easy for corrupt government officials and companies to take advantage of the resources and keep the profits for themselves, rather than sharing with the people. This can lead to inequality and political instability.

So, although having resources can seem like a good thing, it is important for countries to focus on developing other industries and creating a diverse economy, so they are not dependent on just one thing.