ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rent seeking

Hey kiddo, have you ever been in a situation where someone was trying to take something from you just because they could, and not because they actually needed it? Well, that's kind of what rent seeking is all about.

See, rent seeking happens when someone tries to make money or gain resources for themselves without actually contributing anything useful to the economy or society. They're not creating anything new, or making anything better - they're just trying to get their hands on stuff that other people have worked hard to make.

Imagine you and your friends are playing with some toys, and one of your friends suddenly decides they want one of your toys. They don't really have any use for it, but they just want it because it looks cool. So they start pestering you and your other friends, trying to convince you to give them the toy.

That's kind of how rent seeking works - except on a bigger scale. Instead of toys, people might be after things like money, land, or political power. And instead of just asking nicely, they might use all kinds of tricks and schemes to try and get what they want.

But here's the thing - rent seeking isn't actually a good thing. It can make it harder for other people to get what they need, and it can even hurt the economy as a whole. So in the end, it's usually better if everyone can work together to create new things and make the world a better place - instead of just trying to take stuff from each other.