ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Respirator assigned protection factors

Okay kiddo, so a respirator is a special kind of mask that helps you breathe cleaner air. But not every respirator is the same. Some are better than others at keeping bad air away from your lungs. That's where assigned protection factors come in!

Assigned protection factors (or APFs for short) are numbers that tell you how much protection your respirator gives you. The higher the APF, the better your respirator is at filtering out bad air.

So let's say you're working in a really dusty area. A regular cloth mask might only have an APF of 2, which means it's only filtering out half of the dust. But a more advanced respirator might have an APF of 10, which means it's filtering out 90% of the dust!

This is really important because breathing in bad air can make you sick or hurt your lungs. So wearing the right respirator with a high APF is like wearing a superhero mask that keeps you safe from danger.

Hope that helps, kiddo!