A respirator is something you wear over your nose and mouth that helps you breathe in air that is safe. It's like wearing a mask for your nose and mouth.
In some workplaces, like factories or hospitals, there might be things in the air that are not safe to breathe. This could be dust or chemicals. So, people who work in these places might need to wear a respirator to keep them safe and healthy.
To make sure respirators are working properly and keeping people safe, they need to be tested. This is kind of like checking if your toy car is working by rolling it across the floor.
Testing a respirator means putting it on and breathing in air that has something in it that is not safe to breathe. But don't worry, the air is not harmful to people wearing the respirator during testing.
Scientists then measure if the air inside the respirator is safe to breathe. If it is, that means the respirator is working properly and the person wearing it will be safe at work.
This is important because people need to be safe when they are working so they can do their job and stay healthy.