ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Responsive architecture

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a house that can change its shape depending on the weather or the people inside? That's called responsive architecture.

Basically, it's when buildings or structures can adjust and adapt to different situations. Just like how you might put on a hat when it's sunny outside, a responsive building can change things like its temperature, lighting, or layout depending on what's needed.

For example, let's say it's a really hot day outside. A responsive building might have windows that can open up to let in a breeze, or shades that can come down to block the sun. Or if there's a lot of people inside, the building might be able to expand to make more room.

This kind of architecture is really cool because it can make buildings more efficient and comfortable. It can also help save energy and resources by using things like natural light or ventilation instead of relying on air conditioning or heating.

Overall, responsive architecture is like having a smart building that can change and adapt to different situations, kind of like how you might change your clothes depending on the weather or what you're doing.