ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Retron is a special device that allows you to play old video games on your TV. You know how your parents or grandparents might talk about playing games on a big, old TV with big controllers? Retron is like a magic box that lets you do that with the games they used to play.

A long time ago, video games were very different from the ones you play now. They used to come in little plastic cartridges, like a tiny book you put in a console. These consoles were specific to one brand, so if you wanted to play Sega games you needed a Sega console, and if you wanted to play Nintendo games you needed a Nintendo console. But Retron is special because it can play games from lots of different consoles all in one machine!

The Retron console is designed to work with old game cartridges. When you want to play a game, you slide the cartridge into Retron just like putting it in a DVD player. Then you use the special controller that comes with Retron to play the game. It's different from the controllers you use for modern video games, but just as fun! You can also save your game progress so you don't have to start over every time you want to play again.

Retron is a really cool device because it lets you experience what it was like to play video games back when your parents or grandparents were your age. It's like a window to the past, but with awesome games!