ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Retroreflective sheeting

Imagine you're walking down the street at night and a car is driving towards you with bright headlights on. You might feel a little blinded by the light, right? Well, that's where retroreflective sheeting comes in.

Retroreflective sheeting is a special material that's used to make things like road signs and safety jackets. When light shines on this material, instead of bouncing back in all directions, it bounces back mostly in the direction it came from, like a mirror.

This makes the material really good at reflecting light back to the source, like the car's headlights in our example. So when a car's headlights shine on a road sign made with retroreflective sheeting, the sign will light up and become visible to the driver.

This is really important for safety because it helps drivers see things they might not otherwise be able to see in the dark. So the next time you're out driving at night, take a look at the road signs and remember how they're made with special material that helps keep everyone safe!