ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Return-oriented programming

Return-oriented programming, or ROP for short, is like a secret code that hackers use to take over a computer. Imagine you have a safe with many locks on it, and you need to open them all to get inside. Instead of trying to unlock each one, the hacker figures out a way to use the safe's own code to open it.

In ROP, the hacker looks for pieces of code, called "gadgets," that are already in the computer's memory. These gadgets are like small bits of code that the computer uses all the time for different tasks. The hacker can string together a bunch of these gadgets in a certain way to make them do something new, like opening up the safe.

To make this work, the hacker needs to find gadgets that end with a "return" instruction, which tells the computer to go back to the piece of code that called it. By chaining together these return gadgets, the hacker can make the computer jump to different parts of memory to do things that it wasn't supposed to do.

This might include accessing sensitive information, like passwords or credit card numbers, or even taking over the entire computer. It's like the hacker is using the computer's own language against it to do their bidding.

Because ROP relies on existing code rather than introducing new code, it can be harder for security features to detect and prevent. To protect against ROP attacks, computer designers have to carefully design their systems to ensure that gadgets can't be easily strung together in harmful ways.