ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Revelation 4

In the Bible, Revelation 4 is a chapter that describes a vision that a man named John had about heaven. It's like a dream he had, but it's described in a special way using strange symbols and pictures.

So, John saw a door in the sky that was open, and he heard a voice that sounded like a trumpet inviting him to come up to heaven. When John looked up, he saw that there was a throne in heaven, and someone was sitting on it who looked like a beautiful jewel, like a rainbow.

Around the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and on them were people who were wearing white and had crowns on their heads. These people seemed to be really important and special.

John also saw four strange creatures around the throne. Each of them had six wings and was covered in eyes. They looked like a lion, an ox, a man, and an eagle. These creatures were singing and praising the one who was sitting on the throne.

There was also a sea of glass around the throne, like a giant mirror. Many other creatures and holy beings were also around the throne, and they were all praising the one sitting on it.

All of this might sound a bit strange, but it's just how John described what he saw in his vision of heaven. It's a way of saying that heaven is a beautiful and special place where God is and where all of His angels and people gather to worship Him.