ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reverse sexism

Reverse sexism refers to a situation where people treat others unfairly, based on their gender, but in the opposite way of what usually happens. Usually, sexism is when people treat others unfairly because they are a man or a woman. For example, people might think that men are better than women or vice versa, and treat them unfairly because of this belief.

In the case of reverse sexism, people might try to make up for past injustices by treating one gender better than the other. For example, someone might believe that men have had more opportunities in the past and might try to give women more advantages to make up for this. However, this can create new problems, because people might end up being treated unfairly, even if they did nothing wrong.

It's important to remember that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their gender. We shouldn't try to make up for past wrongs by treating people unfairly in the opposite direction. We should work towards creating a society where everyone is treated fairly and with respect.