ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Revolutionary terror

Revolutionary terror is when some people think that they need to hurt or kill other people in order to make a big change happen in society. It's like breaking something in order to fix it. Imagine you have a toy that's broken, and you think the only way to make it better is by smashing it. That's what revolutionary terror is all about.

But just like breaking your toy might not actually make it better, hurting or killing people doesn't always make things better in society. It can actually make things worse and cause even more problems. That's why many people think that revolutionary terror is a bad idea and that there are better ways to make changes in society without hurting people.

So even though some people might think that using revolutionary terror is the only way to make things better, most people believe that there are other ways to fix things that don't involve harming others. And that's why it's important to always try to find peaceful solutions to problems instead of resorting to violence.