ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ricardo Dominguez (professor)

Ricardo Dominguez is a professor who teaches and does research at a college. Research is when you try to find out new things by looking at information or doing experiments.

Professor Dominguez is very interested in how people use technology, like computers and phones. He wants to help others understand how technology can be used to make the world a better place.

He also thinks it's important to make sure that everyone has equal access to technology and the things it can do. He wants to make sure that people who might not have a lot of money or resources can still use technology to learn and create things.

Sometimes, Professor Dominguez does things that are a little bit controversial, which means not everyone agrees with him. For example, he once made a computer game that let people play a game where they were border patrol agents trying to stop people from crossing the border between the United States and Mexico. Some people thought this game was not a good idea, because it might make people think it's okay to be mean to people who are trying to cross the border.

Overall, Professor Dominguez is someone who cares a lot about how technology can be used to help people, and wants everyone to have access to its benefits.