ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ricochet firing

Okay kiddo, so ricochet firing is when a bullet bounces or ricochets off a surface before hitting its intended target. You know how when you throw a ball at a wall, it bounces back to you? Well, the same thing can happen with bullets too!

Now, this might sound dangerous because the bullet could hit someone or something unintentionally, but ricochet firing is actually used by snipers and other military personnel on purpose. It helps them hit targets that are hiding behind barriers or walls by shooting at an angle so the bullet ricochets off the surface and hits the target from a different angle.

However, ricochet firing should only be done by trained professionals in carefully controlled environments, because it can be very unpredictable and dangerous. That's why it's important to always respect firearms and never play with them like toys.