ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Right of public access to the wilderness

Imagine a big playground outside where you can go and play with your friends. Now imagine that this playground is really big and stretches out super far with trees, rivers, mountains, and all sorts of cool things to explore. This is kind of like what we call "wilderness" areas.

Now, when we say "right of public access," it means that everybody has the right to go and explore and play in this wilderness area. Just like how you and your friends can all play on the playground without anyone telling you that you can't, the wilderness is for everyone to use and enjoy.

But because the wilderness is so big and there are so many different things to explore and do, there are some rules to make sure everyone plays nice and that the wilderness stays safe and healthy. For example, you need to make sure you're not hurting any animals or plants, leaving trash, or hurting the environment in any way. You also need to make sure you're not getting lost or doing anything dangerous.

But as long as you follow these rules, you and your family, friends or even strangers have the right to go explore and play in the wilderness whenever you want. It's important to remember that, because the wilderness is so vast, it belongs to everyone and it's important to take care of it so we can keep enjoying it for years to come.