ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Right to explanation

Okay, so imagine you have a toy that you really like to play with. But one day, your mom takes it away and says you're not allowed to play with it anymore. You might feel really sad and confused, and you'd probably want to know why you can't play with your toy.

That's kind of like what the "right to explanation" is all about. Sometimes, when people use really fancy technology to make decisions about important things like whether you can get a loan or a job, they don't always explain why they made that decision. It's like your mom taking away your toy without telling you why.

But just like you have the right to know why you can't play with your toy, some people think we should have the "right to explanation" when important decisions are made about us by computers and technology. That way, we can understand what happened and make sure it's fair.