ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rights and obligations of spouses in Islam

In Islam, when two people get married, they are called spouses. Spouses have both rights and obligations towards each other. This means they have things they are allowed to do, things they must do, and things they cannot do.

First, we will talk about the rights of spouses. Each spouse has the right to be treated with love, kindness, and respect. They also have the right to communicate with each other and share their feelings. Another important right is the right to privacy, which means they should not be spied upon or have their belongings searched without permission.

Now, let's talk about the obligations of spouses. Both spouses have an obligation to take care of each other and their family. This includes providing for each other's needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing. They also have an obligation to protect each other physically and emotionally, and to support each other's goals and ambitions.

One important obligation for spouses is to fulfill each other's sexual needs. It is an important part of marriage, but it should always be consensual and respectful. Additionally, spouses must be loyal and faithful to each other. This means they cannot have romantic relationships with other people, and they should not do anything to hurt or betray each other's trust.

It is important to note that these rights and obligations apply equally to both spouses. Both the husband and wife have the same rights and obligations towards each other. In Islam, marriage is viewed as a partnership and both partners should work together to create a happy and healthy relationship.