ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rights of Englishmen

Alright kiddo, so let's talk about "Rights of Englishmen"!

This is about something that happened a really long time ago in England, which used to be a powerful country across an ocean in Europe. Back then, the king was the boss of everything and everyone, and he had a lot of power over people's lives.

But some people started to feel like the king was being too bossy and unfair, and they wanted some basic rights and freedoms. They wrote down a list of these rights in something called the "Bill of Rights" in 1689. This Bill of Rights had things like the right to have a jury trial, the right to bear arms (or carry weapons), and the right to free speech.

As time went by, people who lived in England and then in the American colonies (which were ruled by England) started to talk more and more about these Rights of Englishmen. They believed that every person, no matter how important or poor they were, should have these basic rights to make their life better.

And eventually, these Rights of Englishmen became really important in the United States Constitution, which is the set of laws that our country follows today. So, we still have those same rights!