ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ring-tailed lemur

A ring-tailed lemur is a type of animal that lives in Madagascar, which is an island off the east coast of Africa. They are furry creatures with black and white stripes on their tails, like a raccoon. They are quite small, about the size of a cat.

Ring-tailed lemurs are very social animals and live in groups called troops. A troop can have up to 30 members! They communicate with each other by making different types of sounds like chirps, grunts, and screams. They also use body language such as grooming each other, holding up their tails as a sign of dominance, or jumping around as a sign of excitement.

These cute creatures eat a variety of things but mostly eat fruits and leaves. They use their long and dexterous fingers to pick and eat their food.

Ring-tailed lemurs have some very interesting behaviors. They spend a lot of time sunbathing and sometimes line up in a row to warm their bodies. They also engage in a behavior called "stink fighting" where they rub their tails on their scent glands and then wave them at their opponents to show dominance!

Unfortunately, ring-tailed lemurs are an endangered species due to habitat loss and hunting. Conservation efforts are being made to protect them and their habitat so they can continue to live happily and thrive in Madagascar.