ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rocket mass heater

A rocket mass heater is like a super cozy fireplace that heats your home, but without most of the bad stuff that comes with a regular fireplace.

Instead of burning wood and sending all that smoke and pollution up the chimney, a rocket mass heater burns wood super efficiently in a special chamber called a "rocket stove."

The rocket stove has a very smart design that uses a small amount of wood to make a lot of heat. The wood is burned in a way that makes the fire extremely hot, and a lot of the heat is captured by a long, winding, earthen "cob bench" that curves all around the rocket stove.

When you sit on this bench, you get toasty warm from all the heat that the stove is giving off, and it feels amazing.

The rocket stove is also very cost-effective, because it uses very little wood, which means you don't have to cut down as many trees. Plus, since it burns the wood so efficiently, there's almost no waste or pollution.

So, with a rocket mass heater, you get to have a really cozy home with a warm, comfy place to sit, and you get to feel good about not polluting the air or wasting resources.