ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rocket propellant

Okay kiddo, so you know how a rocket needs fuel to go up into space, right? That fuel is called rocket propellant. It's kind of like the gas you put in a car to make it go.

But instead of filling up a tank, a rocket has special tanks inside it that hold the propellant. And the propellant is made up of two things: fuel and oxidizer. The fuel is what burns and gives the rocket energy, and the oxidizer helps the fuel burn faster.

When the rocket launches, the fuel and oxidizer mix together and ignite, creating a big flame that shoots out of the bottom of the rocket. This flame pushes the rocket up into the air and into space.

Different rockets use different types of propellant. Some use liquid propellant, which is like a liquid gas that gets pumped into the rocket's engines. Others use solid propellant, which is like a big block of explosive material that burns slowly and gives the rocket a steady push.

So that's rocket propellant, kiddo. It's what makes a rocket go up into space!