ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rogue wave

Hello there! Do you know what waves are? They are what happens when wind blows over water and makes little hills and valleys that move along in the ocean. Sometimes, when the wind is really strong, and the waves get big, a really special kind of wave can happen.

This is called a rogue wave, and it's like a massive monster of a wave! It's the kind of wave that's much bigger than all of the other waves around it, and can be very dangerous to people and ships. It's like a giant bully that stands out from the crowd of normal waves.

Scientists still don't know exactly why rogue waves occur, but some of the ideas they have are pretty cool. Some people think that they happen when two smaller waves meet and then they, like, high-five each other and join together into one massive wave! Other people think it could be caused by really strong winds, or even by currents in the ocean.

Rogue waves can be really scary for people who are sailing on ships, or for swimmers who get caught in the water with them. They can be so big that they can even pick up and wreck huge ships! Scientists are still working to figure out what makes these waves so different from the others, so they can find ways to help people stay safe when they happen.