ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rolling mill

Okay kiddo, imagine you have some clay and you want to make a flat shape out of it. You could flatten it out with your hands, but that would take a long time and might not make it super flat. That's where a rolling pin comes in! A rolling pin is a tool that helps you flatten the clay quickly and easily.

A rolling mill is kind of like a big rolling pin, but for metal instead of clay. It's a machine that helps flatten and shape metal into the right shape and thickness for things like coins, jewelry, and metal sheets for buildings.

The metal is put between two big metal rollers, which are like two big spinning rolling pins. As the metal goes between the rollers, it gets squeezed and flattened. Sometimes the rollers have patterns on them, so the metal comes out with a cool design or texture.

Rolling mills can be really big, as big as a house, or they can be smaller and used by jewelers or metal workers in their studios.

So basically, a rolling mill is a big machine that helps shape metal, kind of like how a rolling pin helps shape clay. Cool, right?