ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Roman military personal equipment

When ancient Romans went to war, they needed special items to help them fight and protect themselves. They wore a metal helmet that covered their head and had a face guard to protect all of their face except their eyes. They also had metal armor that covered their chest, back, and upper legs to keep them safe from sword cuts.

A Roman soldier also carried a sword called a gladius that they used to attack their enemies. They also had a small dagger called a pugio that they used as a backup weapon in case their sword was taken away.

To protect their arms, they wore metal arm guards called vambraces. On their feet, they wore sandals with metal studs called caligae that helped them grip the ground and move quickly.

One very important item that Roman soldiers had was a shield called a scutum. The shield was made of wood and covered in leather, with a metal boss in the center. This shield was used to protect the soldier from incoming attacks.

To carry all of their equipment, soldiers had a backpack called a sarcina. They also had a long pole called a hasta that they could use to march in formation or to put up barricades.

In summary, Roman soldiers had helmets, armor, swords, daggers, arm guards, sandals with metal studs, shields, backpacks, and long poles to help them fight and protect themselves.