ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Romuva (religion)

Roman religion is the belief system and rituals followed by the ancient Romans. Just like you have a belief system and follow certain customs and traditions, the Romans also had their own beliefs and practices. They believed in gods and goddesses who had different areas of responsibility, for example, Jupiter was the god of the sky and thunder while Venus was the goddess of love and beauty.

They had temples where they went to worship and pray to these gods and goddesses. They would offer sacrifices like animals or grains to these gods and goddesses in exchange for their help or blessings. They also had special days in a year dedicated to these gods and goddesses, which they celebrated with feasts, processions, and ceremonies.

The Romans believed that their gods and goddesses were very powerful and could control many aspects of their lives, like the weather, the harvest, and even their love lives. They believed that if they pleased the gods and goddesses, they would receive their blessings and protection.

Today, some people still follow Roman religion, but it is not as popular as it was in ancient times. It is important to respect and learn about different belief systems and customs, even if they are different from our own.