ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ronald Langacker

Ronald Langacker is a smart man who studies language. He likes to look at how we use words and how they fit together to make sentences. He thinks that language is like building blocks that you use to make different things.

Imagine you have a bunch of different colored blocks, like red, green, and blue. You can use the different blocks to make different shapes, like a house or a car. Ronald Langacker thinks that we use different parts of language, like nouns and verbs, to make sentences that show different ideas, like who is doing an action or what they are doing it to.

He also thinks that language is a way for us to understand the world around us. When we use words, we are describing things that we see or ideas we have. So, by studying language, Ronald Langacker can learn about how we see the world and how we communicate with others.

Overall, Ronald Langacker is a really smart man who studies language and how we use it. He thinks that language is like building blocks that we use to describe the world around us and communicate with others.