ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rostov State Medical University

Rostov State Medical University is a place where people go to learn how to help sick people get better. It's like a school for doctors!

Just like how you have different classes at your school, Rostov State Medical University has different classes too. They have classes for things like how your body works, how to take care of sick people, and even how to do surgery if needed.

The teachers at Rostov State Medical University are called professors. They are super smart and have studied and learned a lot about how to make people feel better. They teach the students everything they know so that they can become great doctors too!

After the students finish their classes, they have to practice what they learned in the real world. They do this by going to hospitals and helping out the sick people there. They have to be very careful and kind when they're helping people because they want to make them feel better.

So, Rostov State Medical University is a special school for really smart people who want to help sick people. They learn a lot and then they go out into the world to help people who need it.