ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rotor ship

A rotor ship is a special kind of ship that uses spinning discs to move through water instead of a propeller. Think of it like a big fan that you hold in your hand and blow on to make it spin. The rotor on a ship is like that fan, except it's much, much bigger!

The rotor is attached to the ship's hull and sits under the waterline. When the rotor spins, it creates a force that pushes the water behind the ship, which then helps to move the ship forward. It's kind of like how you move forward when you're riding a bike and push the pedals with your feet.

The neat thing about rotor ships is that they use less fuel than traditional ships, which is better for the environment. They also don't create as much noise or vibration, which can be important if you're trying to avoid disturbing wildlife in the ocean or if you want a quieter ride. Plus, they look pretty cool!