ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Route reestablishment notification

Okay kiddo, do you remember when we were driving to Grandma's house and suddenly there was a big traffic jam on the road? Remember how we had to stop and wait for a while until the road was clear again? Well, something similar can happen when you use the internet to visit different websites or connect to other devices.

Sometimes, the route that your information takes to get from one place to another can get blocked or interrupted, just like a traffic jam on the road. This can happen for many different reasons, like when there are too many people trying to use the same internet connection at the same time, or when there's a problem with the cables that the information travels through.

When this happens, your device needs to find a new route to get to where it wants to go. This is called "route reestablishment." Your device sends out signals to other devices asking for help finding a new route, kind of like when we stop and ask for directions when we get lost on the road.

Once your device finds a new route, it needs to let you know so that you can keep using the internet or communicating with other devices. This is where the "route reestablishment notification" comes in. It's like a little message that pops up on your screen, telling you that your device has found a new route to get to where you want to go, so everything is okay now and you can keep playing your games or watching your videos.

So, just like when we had to wait for the road to clear up when we were driving to Grandma's house, sometimes our internet connection can get jammed up and we have to wait for it to get fixed. But once it's fixed, we get a little message telling us everything is okay again.