ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rover incident

Okay kiddo, so you know how we have those cool cars that we can drive around in? Well, imagine if we had a car that we could control from far away and drive it on another planet! That’s what a rover is.

Now, sometimes when we send rovers to other planets, they can have some problems. Something similar happened recently with the Mars rover called “Opportunity.” You see, Opportunity was designed to last for only 90 days but it ended up exploring Mars for over 14 years! That’s longer than some of your big brother or sister’s friends have been alive!

But, recently Opportunity stopped sending signals back to Earth. The scientists think that it might have run out of power because of a really bad dust storm on Mars. But, they’re still trying to communicate with Opportunity and see if it’s okay.

Overall, the rover incident isn’t great news, but it’s still amazing that we can send cars to other planets and explore them from so far away!