ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ruby Bridges

Ruby Bridges is a very strong and brave girl who lived a long time ago. When she was just six years old, she became the first African American child to attend an all-white school in the southern United States. This was a big deal because at that time, people with black skin and people with white skin were not treated equally.

Ruby had to go through a lot to go to that school. People who did not like that she was black did mean things to her, like yelling at her and throwing things. Sometimes, she even had to be escorted to school by federal marshals because people might hurt her.

But Ruby did not let all these bad things stop her from going to school. She was brave and went every day, even though it was really hard. She even helped other people understand why it was important for all children to have access to good education, no matter the color of their skin.

Ruby's courage and determination helped pave the way for more kids like her to be able to attend schools with children of all colors. Today, because of Ruby and other brave people like her, everyone has the right to a good education, no matter what they look like!