ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rule of Saint Augustine

The Rule of Saint Augustine is like a big instruction book for people who want to be part of a group called "Augustinians". It was created a really long time ago by a man named Saint Augustine, who was a really important Christian writer and leader.

Think of it like a list of rules and guidelines that Augustinians follow. It tells them how to live their lives, what they should do and what they shouldn't do. For example, it says that they should be kind to others, they should pray every day, and they shouldn't be lazy or wasteful.

It also talks about how Augustinians should work together as a community, sharing things and taking care of each other. They should also be obedient to their leaders and follow the teachings of the Bible.

The Rule of Saint Augustine has been around for a really long time, and lots of Augustinians still follow it today. It helps them to stay focused on what's important, and to live their lives in a way that honors God and helps others.