ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rulers of Kievan Rus'

A long time ago, there was a place called Kievan Rus'. It was ruled by a king, or prince, who was in charge of the land and the people who lived there. The prince's job was to keep everyone safe, make sure there was enough food to eat, and settle any problems that came up.

The first prince of Kievan Rus' was named Rurik. He was chosen by the people to be their leader because he was very strong and brave. After Rurik died, his family continued to rule the land. The people trusted them to make good decisions and keep them safe.

One of the most famous rulers of Kievan Rus' was Vladimir the Great. He was known for his bravery in battle and for spreading the Christian religion throughout the land. Vladimir wanted everyone to believe in the same God and so he made Christianity the official religion of Kievan Rus'.

Another famous ruler was Yaroslav the Wise. He was a very smart man who loved books and learning. He created many laws that helped the people of Kievan Rus' live better lives. He also built many beautiful buildings and churches that are still standing today.

Each ruler of Kievan Rus' had their own strengths and weaknesses, but they all loved their people and wanted to do what was best for them. They worked hard to make Kievan Rus' a strong and prosperous land, and their legacy continues to live on today.