ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Runaway star

Okay kiddo, did you know that stars are like big balls of fire in space? They are very far away and they are always moving. Sometimes, a star can move very, VERY fast! When this happens, we call it a runaway star.

Runaway stars are stars that are moving very quickly away from their original spot. They can move at speeds of up to a million miles per hour! That's like running from New York to San Francisco in less than a minute!

So why do stars run away? When stars are born, they are part of a group of stars called a cluster. These stars stick together and move around the galaxy as a group. But sometimes, something happens that makes a star break away from the group and start moving all by itself. This can happen if another star gets too close and pushes it away, or if the star explodes in a supernova.

When a star runs away, it can leave behind a trail of gas and dust called a bow shock. This is because the star is moving so fast that it is pushing the gas and dust out of its way. Kind of like a boat making a wake in water!

Sometimes, runaway stars can even leave our galaxy and travel into intergalactic space. That's like going on a journey to a different kingdom on a far-off planet!

So there you have it, kiddo. Runaway stars are stars that move very fast away from their original group, leaving behind a trail of gas and dust. It's like they are running away from home on a big space adventure!