ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Runway Awareness and Advisory System

A runway is like a big road that airplanes use to take off and land. Sometimes there are many airplanes on the runway at the same time, and it can be hard for the pilots to keep track of where everyone is.

To help them, there is something called a Runway Awareness and Advisory System (RAAS). RAAS is like a computer that talks to the pilots and tells them important information about the runway. It helps the pilots know where other airplanes are on the runway and how far away they are.

RAAS also tells the pilots when they are getting too close to the end of the runway or when they need to turn their airplane to stay on the right path. This is really helpful because it helps the pilots keep everyone safe while they are flying.

So, imagine you are playing with your toy cars on a big long road. Sometimes there are lots of other kids playing with their cars on the road too. It can be hard to know where everyone is and not bump into each other. Now imagine if there was a robot that told you where all the other cars were and when you needed to turn or stop. That would help you play safely and have fun! That's what RAAS does for pilots on the runway.