ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ruske kape

Ruske kape are a type of cookie that originated in Croatia. They are a traditional treat that is usually consumed during the Christmas holidays.

The cookies are made by mixing ground walnuts, sugar, vanilla, and egg whites together. The mixture is then shaped into small domes and baked until they are golden brown.

The cookies get their name from their resemblance to little brown caps. "Ruske" means "Russian" in Croatian, hence the name "ruske kape" or "Russian caps".

Ruske kape have a sweet and nutty flavor and a soft, chewy texture. They are often dusted with powdered sugar before they are served.

In Croatia, ruske kape are a beloved dessert and are often given as gifts during the holiday season. They are also enjoyed throughout the year as a sweet treat with coffee or tea.
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