ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Russian heraldry

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a coat of arms? It's a special symbol that represents a family or a country. Well, in Russia they have their own special symbols that they call heraldry.

Heraldry in Russia is like a secret code that tells a story about a person or a family. It has special symbols and colors that have a special meaning. For example, the color red represents courage and strength, while the color blue represents loyalty and faithfulness.

Russian heraldry also has special animals that represent different things. For example, the double-headed eagle is a very important symbol in Russian heraldry. It represents power and royalty. It's like a king or queen in the animal world!

The way these symbols and animals are arranged is also important. They have to be arranged in a certain way to show the different parts of a story. It's kind of like a puzzle!

One really cool thing about Russian heraldry is that it has a lot of history behind it. Families and countries have been using these symbols for hundreds of years, so they have a lot of meaning and tradition.

In summary, Russian heraldry is like a secret code that tells a story about a person or family using special symbols, colors, and animals arranged in a certain way. It has a lot of history and tradition behind it, and is an important part of Russian culture.