ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Russian interference in the 2018 United States elections

So, do you know what a voting day is? It's when everyone goes and chooses who they want to be in charge. In 2018, America had some voting days like this. But some people from a country called Russia tried to cheat and make some of the choices different than what the American people wanted.

They did this by pretending to be other people on Facebook and other websites so they could say things that would make some people change their mind. And they also tried to break into the computers of the political parties and some people who help with the voting to see what they were doing and maybe changing it.

But luckily, some very smart people found out that Russia was doing this and told everyone to be careful and not believe everything they saw on the internet. So, in the end, America was still able to have a fair voting day and choose who they wanted to be in charge.