ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ryukyuan religion

Ryukyuan religion is the belief system of the people who live in the Ryukyu Islands, which are located south of Japan. Just like how people in different parts of the world have different religions, the people in the Ryukyu Islands also have their own unique beliefs and ways of understanding the world around them.

According to Ryukyuan religion, there are many gods and goddesses who have power over different aspects of life, such as the weather, the harvest, and even human relationships. These gods are often identified with natural elements, such as the moon, the sun, the sea, and the mountains.

One of the most important aspects of Ryukyuan religion is ancestor worship. This means that people believe that their ancestors continue to exist after they die, and that they can help or harm the living in various ways. To honor their ancestors, people often set up altars in their homes and make offerings of food and drink.

Ryukyuan religion also places a strong emphasis on maintaining balance and harmony in the natural world. This means that people try to live in harmony with the world around them, rather than trying to dominate it. They also strive to maintain balance in their personal and social lives by practicing respect and kindness towards others.

Overall, Ryukyuan religion is a complex and rich belief system that reflects the unique cultural heritage of the Ryukyu Islands.