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Sacred Books of the East

Have you ever seen a book that is very special to someone or a group of people? It might be a book full of stories or teachings that they believe are really important. These books are often called sacred books.

Well, imagine that there are lots of people all around the world who have their own sacred book. These books are all considered special and important because they contain teachings that help these people learn how to live a good and meaningful life.

But there is something even more interesting - some of these sacred books come from very far away, from places like India, China, and Japan. Many years ago, some scholars and translators decided that it was important to make these sacred books available to people in other parts of the world.

So, they started translating these books from their original languages (like Sanskrit, Chinese, or Pali) into English. And they put all these translations together in a huge collection called Sacred Books of the East.

Today, we can read these books and learn about the wisdom and beliefs of people from different cultures who lived long ago. It's kind of like a super special library full of books from around the world - all with really important ideas to share!