ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Saint-Venant's compatibility condition

Imagine you have a big piece of playdough that you want to stretch and squish. When you stretch it, it gets longer and thinner. And when you squish it, it gets shorter and fatter.

Now imagine that you have a long, skinny piece of playdough that you want to stretch and squish in different directions. You can stretch it lengthwise to make it longer, but you can't stretch it sideways to make it fatter. And you can squish it sideways to make it fatter, but you can't squish it lengthwise to make it shorter.

This is kind of like what happens to objects in the real world when they are deformed. And Saint-Venant's compatibility condition is a rule that tells us how objects can be deformed without breaking or getting all messed up.

The compatibility condition says that if you want to deform an object, you can stretch or squish it in different directions, but the total amount of stretching and squishing has to be the same. So if you stretch it by a certain amount in one direction, you have to squish it by the same amount in another direction.

This rule is really important when we are studying how things like beams or buildings bend and twist. We need to make sure that the different parts of the object can move and deform in a way that makes sense and doesn't cause any problems.

So, just like you can't stretch playdough sideways without squishing it, objects in the real world have to follow the compatibility condition to stay strong and not get all messed up when they are deformed. It's like a set of rules that tell us how things can move and change shape without breaking.