ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Salami slicing

Salami slicing is like when you have a big old piece of salami, and you want to eat it all up. But instead of eating it all in one bite, you slice it into little pieces and eat each one at a time.

In other words, salami slicing is when someone does something a little bit at a time, taking small steps instead of one big leap. This can be a sneaky way to make a big change or do something wrong, without anyone noticing.

For example, imagine you're supposed to be saving your allowance money. If you want to buy a toy, you might take a little bit of money here and there over time, instead of taking all the money at once. That way, nobody notices you're spending the money and you can still buy your toy.

Salami slicing can also be used for good. Instead of trying to tackle a huge task in one go, you can break it down into smaller steps and make progress over time.

So remember, salami slicing is like eating your salami one slice at a time, or doing something little by little instead of all at once.