ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sally Hemings

Sally Hemings was a woman who lived a long time ago when America was just starting to become a country. She worked for a very important man named Thomas Jefferson, who helped write the rules for how America would work.

Sally Hemings was from a family who were slaves, which meant they had to do work for other people without getting paid for it. Sadly, this was a common thing back then. Even though Sally was a slave, she was also part of Thomas Jefferson's family.

Sally and Thomas Jefferson had a special relationship. They were really close and some people think they might have had a baby together. This is because Sally's children looked a lot like Thomas Jefferson and they were born around the same time that Sally and Thomas were spending a lot of time together.

Some people didn't like that Thomas Jefferson might have had a child with a slave, because they thought it was wrong. Other people think that Sally and Thomas might have really loved each other, even though the rules at the time were really unfair to people who were slaves.

Today, we remember Sally Hemings as someone who was part of a really important time in history, when people were fighting for their rights and for fairness.