ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Salon (gathering)

A salon is a fancy word for a gathering of people who come together to talk about interesting things, like art, literature, and ideas. It's like a big party where grown-ups get together to have deep conversations and learn from each other.

Picture this: You know how sometimes you have playdates with your friends where you hang out and play games? Well imagine that instead of games, your parents and their friends come over and they talk about all sorts of grown-up stuff. They might talk about books they've read, things that are happening in the world, or even new ideas they have.

The cool thing about salons is that they're really relaxed and everyone can share their thoughts and opinions. You might even learn something new! So, next time your parents say they're going to a salon, don't worry, they're just going to a really fun party where they can learn and share with other grown-ups.