ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Salt tide

Salt tide happens when seawater rises above the normal level and comes into contact with land. When this happens, it brings extra salt with it and makes the land and water more salty than usual. This can happen for different reasons, such as during a storm or because of changes in the tides.

Imagine you have a cup of water and you want to make it saltier. You add some salt and now the water is saltier than before. This is similar to what happens during a salt tide, but on a much larger scale.

Salt tide can be bad for plants and animals living in the affected areas, as they are not used to the increased salt levels. It can also make it more difficult to get fresh water, as the salt can contaminate sources of drinking water.

To prevent the negative effects of salt tide, people may take steps to protect the land and water. For example, they may build barriers to keep the saltwater out or plant salt-tolerant vegetation.