ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Samaritan revolts

Okay kiddo, sometimes long ago in a place called Palestine, people were not happy with the Romans who were ruling over them. The Romans were in charge of all the towns and cities and they made the rules. But the Samaritans who lived in a place called Samaria, didn't like the Romans and they wanted to be free.

So one day, the Samaritans got very angry and decided to start a big fight with the Romans. This was called the Samaritan Revolt. They gathered together and fought against the Romans, trying to take back control of their land.

The Romans didn't like this very much and they fought back too. They sent their army to fight against the Samaritans. The fight was very long and lasted for many years. There were many battles and many people were hurt and killed, including innocent people who were just caught in the middle.

Eventually, the Romans won the fight and the Samaritans had to give up. They were very sad and angry because they couldn't be free.

So that's what the Samaritan Revolts were all about – a big fight between the Romans and the Samaritans, where the Samaritans wanted to be free and the Romans wanted to keep control.