ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sambuddhatva jayanthi

Okay kiddo, so Sambuddhatva Jayanthi is a special holiday that celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and death of a very important person in Buddhism – the Buddha.

Now, the Buddha was this man who lived a loooong time ago in a place called India. He was born as a prince but he decided to leave all his riches and comforts behind so he could find a way to end people's suffering. He became a monk and traveled all over, talking to people and sharing his teachings with them.

One day, while he was sitting under a tree, he got some kind of amazing insight or realization that made him super wise and enlightened. And he spent the rest of his life - for more than 40 years - teaching this wisdom to people all over the place.

Eventually, the Buddha passed away and his death is also celebrated during Sambuddhatva Jayanthi.

So, this holiday is really special for Buddhists because they remember and honor the Buddha's life and teachings. They might do things like meditate, chant, or offer flowers and food as a way of showing respect and gratitude for what the Buddha did.