ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sample maximum and minimum

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a big bag with a bunch of candies of different colors. You want to know which candy is the biggest and smallest. So you take out all the candies from the bag and you find the biggest one and the smallest one.

Now, imagine this bag is very special because instead of candies, it has numbers in it. And instead of just wanting to find the biggest and smallest number, you want to find the biggest and smallest number that represent a group of numbers.

For example, let's say you have a group of numbers: 3, 5, 2, 7, and 9. You put them in the bag and now you want to find the sample maximum and minimum. So you take out all the numbers from the bag and look for the biggest one and the smallest one in the group.

The biggest one in this group is 9 and the smallest one is 2. This means that the sample maximum is 9 and the sample minimum is 2.

So when we talk about sample maximum and minimum, we are talking about finding the biggest and smallest number in a group of numbers that we put in a special bag called a sample.
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