ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sampling design

Sampling design is like when you want to learn about something but you can't ask everyone in the world, so you pick a few people to ask. It's like when you want to know what flavor of ice cream is the best, but you can't taste every flavor in the store. So, you pick a few flavors to try and see which one you like the most.

In the same way, when people want to learn about a big group of things or people, instead of asking or studying every single one, they only pick some of them. This way, they can still learn a lot about the whole group by studying just some parts of it.

To do this, people use a special kind of plan called a sampling design. The plan helps them choose which things or people to study in order to get the best information about the whole group. It's like a treasure map that shows where to find the most important things to learn about the group.

For example, if someone wants to learn about kids who go to school, they might pick a school and then choose some kids from that school to study. They could choose the kids by putting all their names in a hat and picking some out, or they might pick every other kid on a list. There are lots of different ways to choose which kids to study, and they all follow a plan called sampling design.

This way, researchers and scientists can learn a lot about a big group of things or people by only studying some parts of it. Sampling design helps them decide which parts to study so they can get the most accurate and useful information.
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