ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Samskara (Indian philosophy)

Samskaras are like little marks or impressions on your mind that happen when you experience things or do actions. They can be good marks (like when you feel happy and kind) or bad marks (like when you feel angry or selfish). The more you do the same actions or feel the same way, the deeper the marks get.

This is important because these marks can affect the way you think and feel later on. If you have a lot of bad marks, you might find it hard to be happy or kind. But if you have a lot of good marks, it will be easier to be a good person.

Samskara is an idea from Indian philosophy that teaches us to be aware of our actions and feelings so that we can create good marks on our mind. By doing good things and being kind and happy, we can create good samskaras and make it easier to be a good person in the future.